Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Great Moments in "Whoa"

Just a few songs whose whoas really bring it:

AFI - "God Called in Sick Today": My friend who knows the most about punk of anybody (introduced me to Nobodys and DRI - not that that's indicative) says he liked AFI until they got all goth and Guttermouth made an album about hating them. This song isn't that sweet, but you gotta give credit to the whoas. I used to listen to this in college while playing chess against my roommate. One time I missed a philosophy discussion section because we were playing chess and had to email the professor so I wouldn't fail the class.

Offspring - "The Kids Aren't Alright": This song isn't that sweet either but the whoas are.

Misfits - "Night of the Living Dead": Brian Sumner and Jeff Lenoce skated to this in Birdhouse's "The End." It's not a big surprise that AFI like the Misfits so much.

NOFX - "Whoa Against Whoas": An anti-whoa song that nonetheless illustrates how awesome whoas are. The video linked here contains video-game footage.

Pennywise - "Bro Hymn": When I was in high school, a really fast sprinter let me listen to this on his Discman before I swam a race. The undisputed champion in the whoas category.

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