Sunday, January 20, 2008

An Idea for a Video Blog

Take full-length porn videos and edit out the sex scenes. You're left with 5-minute short films.

People would watch these because they get to do a lot of the work. Initially, it might not be clear that the videos are edited porn, but that revelation would be a gratifying punchline. After that, the videos would make an interesting comment of some kind (although maybe not super interesting). What are horny people willing to sit through between scenes of human depravity? The answer involves a lot of babysitters!

One of the conventions of erotic film (talk about diction!) is an everyday situation quickly turning the bend into a not-so-everyday situation involving private parts. People often laugh about the flimsy seductions that drive porn plots to the sex. However, I'm beginning to wonder if it's the sheer improbability that makes those scenes funny? Is seduction really that unlikely?

The reason to ask this question is that porn obviously shows people acting the way a viewer would want to be acting. For most of the screen time, this simply means getting some jollies with an athletically-to-artificially-built other, but in the other scenes it means exercising some form of charm over another person, being uninhibited, etc.

It'd be strangely revelatory to see people acting the way we wish they did, without the ensuing payoff. Or, it would just be ridic and funny if it weren't also sort of :'( . See also.

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