Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Gchat for the Stars and Stripes

Got a lot of sleeping to do today so before the logsawing session begins I thought I'd at least do some blogsawing and break off a little Google Chat 'twixt everyone's favorite 1LT (who, due to paranoia, will appear as 1LT and truly yours (who, due to Google Chat convention, will appear as me) re Memorial Day (not pictured), Vegas, Lupe Fiasco, Entourage, and Pat Dollard.

me: got any blog ideas?
1LT: word.
me: yes?
1LT: yes i do
let me formulate
me: you could even do a guest blog post if you'd like
1LT: haha

[Ed: Guest blogging still laughable among military types] [. . .]

1LT: have you heard lupe fiasco's album yet?
me: no man but i saw the video where a toy robot comes to life
1LT: you will love this album
he's a native'tongue esqe hip hopper who also enjoys skateboarding
me: yes i heard of him a year ago perhaps
he had a song called "kick push"
which was okay but just okay for me
i admit he's got flows though
1LT: kick push is alright
hurts me soul and american terrorist are amazing
me: ah
i'm checkin the youtube right now

[Ed: Hurts me soul is amazing, in fact here it is embedded]

[Ed: Check out his moves!]

1LT: one more vegas selling point, if you come, we'll have our fifth for the Entourage vegas episode re-do
you can be eric or turtle
me: haha
is eric the samwise gamgee guy?
aka rudy?
1LT: hahaha yeah
me: haha okay who's the other guy
1LT: the dude who wears jerses
me: oh ok that works
i wear jerseys sometimes

[. . .]

okay i'm going to blog a fraction of this conversation
1LT: fair
me: what is your mil rank?
1LT: 1LT
me: 1LT?
1LT: first lieutenant
me: yeah but at least i can hear the audio
he's just saying what white people do
1LT: yes, i believe indicating who the american terrorist is and has been
me: ah
oh btw did you ever check out
1LT: wow now, i will now

[. . .]

me: are you seeing that patdollard shit?
1LT: right now
me: thoughts?
1LT: [. . .]
who the hell is this guy
me: he's a former hollywood talent agent
actually has been compared in VF to Ari Gold of Entourage
1LT: woooow
me: anyway dollard got an embed position w/ marines
and made this wacked out movie
that is supposed to be the anti-farenheit 9/11

Although 1LT gave his two cents on the Dollard issue, you won't get more than this from me: "he is an instigator and a preventor of peace/a real douche." The stream-of-consciousness upshot from all this is conscious rap is still about (what to make of this, and Chris Rock, a little later in the week), Pat Dollard is obvi an American Terrorist who hurts me soul, and the bathwater complaints about Sean Hannity need to stop because it's just a silly game to all of them.

See you in Vegas.
