Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Vegas M.I.A. Apologia

As perhaps can be expected, what was anticipated as an invigorating weekend pro-blog retreat in Sin City, rife with stimulation and sensory experience has, much like a certain much more infamous trip made by then-successful butthead HST, unraveled into a desultory fury of substance abuse and missed deadlines. I am merely an aspiring butthead; the substance abuse of my own Vegas excursion was insufficient by comparison (see post below). However, the deadline-flouting made famous by Thompson's Gonzo steez has endured; self-imposed quotidian ideelz quota was abandoned as soon as I set foot in the jumble of Vegas's desert air.

Avid readers need not fear or loathe, however. In a more striking parallel to the 1970s travelogue on which this retreat aspired to model itself, the simple task of banging out several words per minute on the well-documented vagaries and hazards of America's most illicit city has spiraled into a project of far greater scale to be coauthored by Socialist (read: true ideelist) cohort and anonymous fabulist Xerxes Balderdash.

Between the animal ravings of yours truly and the principled party line of Xerxes - a man with honest principles - will hopefully lie a testament to the irrevocable scars incurred by a cast of wild-eyed youngsters who were too kind of heart to be anything but run into the ground by Las Vegas's too-much-too-fast sensibility.

In short, the dead air you've inexcusably been forced to bear with over the past several days will in the upcoming weeks yield a much denser and more intricate work than anything I could've tacked up in a typical matter of minutes. Should the complete Xerxes-Ideelz collaboration fail to entirely materialize in sufficient time, excerpts will nonetheless appear, God willing, soon enough.

Continue to tune in. All has not been lost to faded memory and rueful revisionism. The truth will be told, all in due time.

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