Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ideelz Unconventional Warfare

In the first and last ever Ideelz news roundup:

9/11 now funny, but not really.

Jerry Falwell died. Is this funny? Would it be 'funny' if not "funny" if he'd died in the 9/11 attacks? That wasn't a joke. This is making me uncomfortable.

To sum up, from Gchat with a friend in a prominent news organization:
me: jerry falwell died
Sent at 10:59 AM on Tuesday
friend: i know
things are crazy around here
me: i bet
i'm sure you're very busy

Gawker celebrated. Is this just a necessary part of being journalism affiliated and having certain views (namely that some people deserve to die)?

It is possible that today a man died and a large portion of the media said "Too bad journalistic ethics forbids making a story happen, or I would've had a big scoop a long time ago."


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