Saturday, May 12, 2007

Tracy Bonham - So What? So What? So What?

I've been wanting to do something about NOFX, specifically about "Linoleum," a perfect little bit of wankery that lasts only as long as it should. During my research on the subject, I came across the YouTube top search result for NOFX, which happily is a rendition of "Linoleum" for a festival called the Bizarre Festival:

Perhaps as important as the performance itself is the typical Fat Mike asshole Tracy Bonham joke at the beginning. I remember loving "Mother Mother" when I was thirteen, during the years of Weezer, when Nirvana videos were still all over MTV and it wasn't quite certain that the earthquake was really over and these were just aftershocks.

It appears at first that Fat Mike's joke at her expense has been nothing short of devastating - as we never got served an obvious "Mother Mother" sequel ("Daughter Daughter"), and Bonham had joined the Blue Man Group by 2003 - an act known to insiders as "Going Blue, big time."

Fortunately, going blue big time isn't as bad for you musically as you might think, especially if you only go blue small time. If the collaboration yields soft-quiet-soft on a throaty chromatic-sounding percussion track (must be those big plastic pipes the Blue Men use) with big bang electric choruses pending in the background. Tracy ("Tracky" to her friends) still sings like an unhinged teenager with a trust fund and a drinking problem who hits on you in a bar then tells you you're disgusting. I could see someone like Mark Appleyard skating to this (hey, he skated to "Sucker Love" in Menikmati). That, and Apples kind of looks like a guy who would skate to a Blue Man Group song while dressed in blue latex, catching marshmallows in his mouth while he nollie flips the Leap of Faith. It could be metrosexual, or it could be gnarly. Apples has always walked that line, and for good reason. If he didn't, I probably couldn't admit to liking Placebo. Or Tracy Bonham:

APPLES! BONZOS! Do the thing! Only in Brooklyn!

Bonzo Blue Man Collabo MP3

Appleyard SOTY 2003 clip

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