Sunday, March 09, 2008


Went to the grindhouse this weekend, by which I mean I saw Planet Terror and Death Proof. Both were pretty awesome and did a good job of throwing in some surprises that helped them transcend the problem of basic homage. For instance, the anachronism of the cell phones was pretty jarring, as was placing a washed-up stuntman from the 70s into present day. I even liked the transitions from one kind of film stock (is that what that is?) to another. (I've dug the motif of anachronism since Ghost Dog I think, even though its brand of anachro is different.)

It's too bad those movies are expensive and that, from what I hear, the Weinsteins were pretty pissed off because they didn't make enough in the theaters. Sorta frustrating, given that the 70s movies Tarantino and Rodriguez were "doing" had pretty low budgets, if I understand things properly.

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