Monday, March 24, 2008

I Love Being a Turtle!

I just remembered Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles**, the 1990 film that used Jim Henson puppetry to achieve lifelike teenage martial artist turtles. I was a big fan of this movie and at one point knew every line.

In one scene, some foot soldiers try to decapitate one of the turtles, Michaelangelo I think, and he tucks his head in his shell. When he resurfaces he yells "God, I love being a turtle!" He's getting pumped about being a turtle.


"Wise man say, forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza."

Casey Jones calls the guys "Purse-grabbing pukes."

I like the vision of New York in that movie as well as the vision of teenagers. I don't think I have to elaborate on either one.

Add it to the canon.

**Astute readers will notice I don't have a good reason for using italics vs. quotes in naming works of art or other things. "I'm not about to give thanks or apologize."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was put off when they put Casey Jones in that movie, but he's the linchpin to the awesome campy/creepy vision of new york. Especially when they're out in that weird house in the countryside, and he become the stand in for the city.

What about TMNT2, with "everyone in ny eats pizza" opening montage? why did they have to go to feudal japan in the 3rd one? guiliani?