Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Slushy Funds

Since December, I believe, an envelope sat in the top drawer of my bureau. In that envelope were six hundred-dollar bills, the fruits of my efforts at a poker table in Atlantic City.

Until today, the contents of that envelope had been set aside for investment in a quarterly journal several of my friends had spoken at length about starting.

This morning I woke up and did some busywork, got in the shower, dressed, and slipped one of the hundreds out of the envelope and into my wallet. Today I invested part of that capital in a foot-long steak and cheese sandwich from Subway and some more of it in two slices of pepperoni pizza and a Coke.


When I lived in Tacoma one of my friends enjoyed very much the sentence "That's not my problem." One day after I had behaved badly to some of his friends (so badly, in their eyes, that they never wanted to see me again), I asked him why he couldn't stick up for me and convince them to give me another chance. "Why is it my problem, what they think of you?" he asked. I remember that after I'd asked him this favor his face lit up a little bit, as though finally an opportunity to use his favorite phrase had arisen.

The day I left for New York, he told me to call him when I got there. I have not.


Eliot Spitzer this week was exposed as a patron of prostitutes. I can't say I feel bad for him but I can't say I'm on the side of those that are talking him down either.


I can't seem to find the knit cap that fit my head, so I'm back to wearing the Mariners beanie that rides up.


A friend of mine, Robert, moved to Hawaii for several weeks on a ticket his ex-girlfriend had bought for him. She had thought at the time that they would move there together, probably to get married. He dumped her before they could implement that plan and eventually realized he could still use the ticket.

On his return he told everyone at the bar that they should come join him in Hawaii. "You can get a job so easily there," he said. He was an electrician.


"The city exploded into power and property and pleasure. Expanding only fast enough to avoid recollapse."


My roommate from freshman year in college sent a letter to a mutual friend in Montana the other week. The envelope was the frilly kind one uses for sending wedding invitations. Our friend's mother was delighted that my roommate might be getting married. As it turns out, though, he was just being frugal by reusing an envelope that had been sent to him some weeks prior.


In D.C. this weekend several friends discussed the merits of the Ghostbusters II song, the one during which the Statue of Liberty comes to life and saves New York from the flowing ooze of negativity that brought the evil demon Zul to life.

I heard that song on "Mad Money" at work today. I tried to tell my boss about Ghostbusters II but he was pretty uninterested.


One post I deleted had a picture of a girl that had appeared on Facebook. The caption read, "Hi! I'm cute. [...] I am also handicapped."

I had written below it, "You have a choice. Things can either be funny, or sad."

Today I slipped on a banana peel. Okay not really.


Remember MarioKart?

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