Monday, April 14, 2008

I Never Saw the Sunrise Before I Met All You Guys

Friday: Sulks had a party at a bar. People were in attendance. I met a guy who was into Gaddis and Wayne's World and I got a little slanty. We stayed up very late.

We're never short on special occasions.

: Enormous brunch at an Irish bar run by an enormous Irish man who, to judge by his gapped teeth and bawdy sense of humor, is a rugby player. Several friends turned up from out of town. We bought a football at the dollar store and threw it in Fort Greene Park, enjoying the sun and the view of a tiny segment of Manhattan. That night, I could have gone to another party but instead slept Friday off.

Sunday: Bought some papers, drank coffee and did laundry as I waited for others to rouse themselves. Met Kibblesmith and other wholesome midwesterners for late breakfast at the Greek man-diner on the corner. We cleaned the apartment and left the window open to get some fresh air in the place. In the evening we bought pizza and for some reason discussed our favorite rap songs from 2005. I read about Goldeneye and Street Fighter II Turbo for a bit before turning in. Came up with a funny joke about having to explain certain absences.

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