Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Shooter Effect

Black Armed:758.72ms
Black Unarmed:806.28ms
White Armed:811.16ms
White Unarmed:788.52ms

How racist are you?

Addendum: It occurs to me that by showing my own stats at the beginning there I might skew your sampling. But I have other problems with this statistical analysis.

Some helpful stats to include in future iterations of the racist gun game:

Number of people killed broken down by black vs. white.
Number of unarmed mistakes vs. armed mistakes.
Ibid., broken down by black vs. white.

Also it's important that the size of each black or white population be well thought out. If it's just random, then obviously the sample size for one group or the other will skew results.

At any rate, it's clear that I think a lot longer before deciding whether to kill a white person. Good thing I am only a guy playing a game on the Internet and not an armed guy trying to shoot or not shoot people based on what they hold in their hands.


Agagooga said...

What are the stats for people shot by black people vs people shot by white people?

Agagooga said...


"Nationally, they show that blacks are responsible for 50 per cent of all rapes and robberies and 60 per cent of murders. In New York City, the percentages are even higher. The point is rightly made that most victims are also black--but they are generally victims of crimes committed by other blacks... of the 629,000 interracial crimes in 1985 where victims survived to identify attackers, nine out of ten were by blacks against whites."