Friday, February 01, 2008


Per Sitemeter, someone from New Mexico got to ideelz by Googling "Evan Lavender-Smith." This is either the man himself or someone who likes his stuff too. If you are said Googler, thanks for dropping in and if you're Evan Lavender-Smith, say hi. Say hi even if you're not Lavender-Smith. Say hi even if you're not the Googler. If you're the Hamburgler, say rubble rubble.

"Appalachian Spring."


If you never come back, it was good while it lasted. Enjoy the weather.

Also, don't be embarrassed. We've all Googled our new friends or ourselves. It's a sign of respect, or self respect.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For me it's a sign of narcissism plus anxiety. If cnet had a self-google auto-refresh app I could download and install and glance at every few seconds in the sys tray, I would.

I'm flattered that you liked "A.S." Thanks so much for mentioning it.

Rubble rubble.