Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Old Notebook

Notes under the heading "Technique & Craft," dated 12-11-07.
Shaking: -most effective way to mix indredients
-chills & slightly dilutes the drink
-never fill more than halfway w/ ice
-shake until drink is cold

Stirring:-marries flavors
-doesn't cloud the drink like shaking

This morning as per usual, Sulks and I and the Dasher went out for some Bloodies over on DeKalb, but there was a new bartendress there. The one we liked had short hair and was friendly and was hippie-ish with regard to undergarments, if you know what I mean. We (Sulks and I) were so taken with her that we went so far as to say she made excellent Bloody Maries, despite that the mix was premade and so the steadiness of her pour only had so much to do with our assessment.

The new lady, perfunctory and preoccupied, asked for our i.d.'s and then went back to doing prep work rather than pour our drinks. She gave us little candies after we paid the bill and Sulks asked, "Are these gum or candy?"

No response.

She must be new to the trade or else is so experienced that she has hardened and does not care whether several new boys on the block will come back.


There is an odd element to having been a bartender, which is the feeling that one is in position to judge the social and drinkmaking skills of other bartenders. To compensate for the wrongful feeling of entitlement, it is wise to tip amply.

This is what makes customers who have been in the business too long indispensable but insufferable. I am now one of those customers.

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