Friday, February 01, 2008

What Goes On: Modeling

From conversation:
me: hey
Speedra: yo
me: what's goin on
Speedra: not much
trying to get a new project goign in the lab
me: cool
bout what
Speedra: radiation response of tumors
trying to predict response
based on a pre treatment biopsy
using RNA microarrays which measure gene expression of the tumor tissue
collect 54000 pieces of info about the tumors
and then train that data
by telling the modeling program
this is a responder, this is a non responder
me: wow
do you think you'll get something good?
Speedra: i dont know
it seems easy
when i first got here
i was like
oh ya
no big deal
but the analysis is complicated
and it doesnt always work
you have to try your best to eliminate any other variables in the samples
i gots to run
ill talk to you later

(emphasis added, subsequently removed).

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